Friday, December 25, 2009

Only 3 months this time!

Tee hee. Okay, seriously, I know that in my whole intro to myself I promised some posts. I also promised that I would refer to "B"isms, you know, references to some of the things from my oldest daughter. I'm not really mean. Honestly. But, sometimes, you know, if you don't laugh, you cry. So, my DH and I really love to vacation. Who doesn't? No, I mean if I could live on the road, I'd be THERE in a heartbeat! But, out of fairness to our oldest, occasionally we will take her with us. Some people feel that a person who basically lives to play games and play with Barbies and color and do paint by number pictures and just about anything they want to do all day long wouldn't need a vacation, but I disagree. I don't know what it would be like to live with a mental disability that isn't bad enough for some people to agree that it IS in fact a disability, but I can't imagine it's a lot of fun. So, after that long windedness, we're on vacation this weekend. All 3 of us. In a nice 2 bedroom condo on the beach. Okay, so, this afternoon eldest child of mine announces she's going to shower. About a half hour later, she comes out of the bathroom and asks me if it's okay if she does a load of laundry. We'd be here approximately 20 hours. Hmm.....why would one need to do a LOAD of laundry at that point? I ask how she can possibly have enough laundry to do. She tells me that she had a bit of a problem in the bathroom. Uh oh. Do I want to know what follows? Remember, this is an almost 33 year old person. I say "Ooooooh kay. What happened?" She then tells me that she thought that with how deep the bathtub is, she didn't think that the shower curtain would have to be inside the tub. She knew that on her shower at home it had to be, because that isn't very deep, so the water doesn't have anywhere else to go, but on a deep tub, she didn't think the curtain had to be inside. Cuz - really? So - I explained to her the basic operation of a shower curtain which I won't go into for all of you who read this. (Of course, if you need the explanation, I'd be happy to send it to you individually!) So, I asked her if she got it all cleaned up. She said she did, and ran the laundry. I hope I find out most of the things I take for granted that she would have picked up along the way before either of her little "big" sisters have to take on the care of her. If not, oooops. Sorry. But, if not, they will always have the opportunity to post to a blog, or see a professional!Have a great weekend!


  1. Hope you are having a great vaca!!!

  2. It may be the most thorough cleaning that floor has gotten in a while.

    Your cat misses you! ;)
